Addiction Screening Tools

Our vision is to foster a world where balanced relationships between “real life” and technology make everyone (employees, scholars, parents) healthier, happier, and more truly connected. Ultimately, how leaders and the Church respond to technology addiction is crucial.

We have asked the Lord for the mandate and knowledge to understand this topic so that people can be set free! It is our heart and prayer for God’s people to open up the eyes of their understanding so that they may see!!

We are proud to offer a variety of services which can help you in the resoration of spirit, soul and body as well as identity wounds. If you think you might have an Internet or technology addiction, we invite you to take the appropriate addiction tests from this page.

Or, if you wish to schedule a consultation to discuss challenges you are facing or the results of your addiction tests, you can reach us at [email protected] or 082 527 1548.